Whoosh! Issue 72 - September 2002

By Amy Murphy
Content © 2002 held by author
WHOOSH! Edition © 2002 held by WHOOSH
5025 words

Introduction (01)
Kodi's Head (02-203)
Kodi's Stories



[01] Kodi is another 'Thud Queen.' Loved her stuff from day one and you can tell she's having fun writing with her muse. She just makes it look to darn easy. Now let’s get to know her. Read and feed please.

I am a golden god!!!

Gabrielle was an Amazon Queen

Kodi's Head

[02] Why did you start writing?

[03] I was about nine or ten and it was an escape from the reality I lived in as a child.

[04] If you had to do it all over, would you be a bard? Would you write?

[05] Yes. Most definitely.

[06] Give us a brief day in the life of Kodi.

[07] I get up around 5pm. Go to the computer. Check my e-mail to see if I have work or any e-mails I need to respond to. Then my girlfriend comes home from work and we eat dinner and/or go out and do stuff, like grocery shopping. Then we watch TV if there's anything on (Tuesdays 9 pm – Witchblade (tape Dark Angel if we haven't seen it), Friday 9 pm - Farscape). Then my girlfriend goes to bed and I go to work or I write until around 7-8 am, or I play computer games if I have nothing else to do and the muse isn't with me. Then I try to go to sleep, usually can't, play computer games/watch bad morning TV until I pass out and wake up around 5 pm to do it all over again.

[08] How do you handle stress?

[09] Actually, I'm getting better at it. I used to be totally non-functional when I got stressed out, but now I seem to be able to calm down and do what I need to do within a few hours.

[10] Years from now, how would you want to be remembered?

[11] At the moment, one my main long-term goals is to be associated with lesbian fiction the way other authors are associated with their genres (Stephen King with Horror, Isaac Asimov with Science Fiction, Agatha Christie with Mystery, etc.). I know, big plans, but it’s a dream of mine.

[12] What is your pet peeve?

[13] People who say one thing, but do another. Otherwise known as liars and hypocrites.

[14] Who is Kodi?

[15] I'm working on that one.

[16] Do fans expect too much from stars?

[17] Yes.

[18] What are your feelings on censorship?

[19] Depends on the issue involved. If you’re just talking about swear words and the like on TV and radio, then I think it's stupid. If you're talking about making sure little kids don't get into the adult sites on the Internet, then I think it's a valid point that needs to be addressed appropriately.

[20] If you can cure one disease, what would it be and why?

[21] I would probably choose cancer because there are so many forms and it takes so many lives, not to mention how debilitating it is.

[22] Do you believe in capital punishment? Why?

[23] Yes and no. Yes, because if there was some way to prove with positively no doubt that someone was irredeemable, then they should be executed so that we don't have to worry about them anymore. But no, because I don't believe anyone is irredeemable, nor do we currently have a judicial system that is 100% accurate in deciding the guilt or innocence of the person on trial.

[24] What is the most sensitive part on your body?

[25] My neck.

[26] What do you see yourself doing in the future? Future projects?

[27] Writing. Continuing my web consultant business. And I have about a dozen current writing projects that I'm working on, plus several others planned that I haven't really started yet.

[28] How do you handle depression?

[29] Actually, it's a constant battle for me every day and I've learned to just hold on through the rough stuff because I know I'll feel better tomorrow or even in another few hours. Plus, I have my girlfriend. Oh, and my cat.:)

[30] What was the hardest thing you ever did?

[31] This past year and a half. I posted my stories online for the first time, started my web consultant business, fell in love over the Internet, and then moved about a thousand miles south to be with her.

[32] What was the easiest?

[33] I'm thinking ...

[34] What advice can you give to future writers?

[35] Do it because you love it. And read a grammar guide.

[36] How did it feel to be published?

[37] Haven't been published yet, but give me another year.

[38] What has the show Xena meant to you?

[39] Well, I started watching it right at the beginning of the Rift and watching Xena and Gabrielle forgive themselves and each other really helped me deal with my own guilt,which I was feeling rather intensely at that point. The show helped me to move on in a lot of ways and continue trying to heal myself.

[40] How do you feel about its end?

[41] I don't really mind the show ending, but the ending itself annoyed the sh-t out of me. It seemed to go completely against everything the show had stood for up until that point, which was that everyone deserves a second chance and that love conquers all.

[42] What are your dreams? Hopes? Wishes?

[43] Well, I mentioned above what one of my dreams is. My hope is that I'll eventually become that good and my wish is that I might actually get paid for it.:)

[44] Who do you trust?

[45] My two sisters, my girlfriend, and my cat Felix.

[46] If you are a parent, what is the greatest wish you have for your child?

[47] I'm not a parent, but I do have three nephews and a niece between my two sisters, and my greatest hope for any child is that they'll grow up with a healthy sense of self and an open mind.

[48] What would you say every writer needs?

[49] A grammar guide, a thesaurus, a dictionary, a love of reading, and a vivid imagination. Curiosity is good too.

[50] Do you believe in prayer? Explain.

[51] Yes. I don't believe in God or anything like that, but I do believe there are forces outside of our current abilities to measure them, and the power of the mind and will are two of those. We have an unbelievable capacity to make things happen simply by wanting them to, but very few people realize it and this tends to work against most people who are pessimistic.

[52] How do feel about subtext?

[53] It's there.:)

[54] What makes your best friend your best friend?

[55] She listens to me. She encourages me. She's there for me when I need her.

[56] Could you or have you ever experienced, you or someone else reading one of your stories out loud in public? What did/would you feel?

[57] Okay, does it count if I've read my stories to my girlfriend in order to put her to sleep or keep her awake while driving?:) I felt nervous because I can't do the voices the way I heard them when I wrote them and that annoys me and makes me self-conscious.

[58] What's the most romantic thing anyone has done for you?

[59] My girlfriend writes me poetry. She gets me every time with that stuff. If you'd like to read some of it, as well as her earlier poetry (and one Xena story), go to http://www.kodiwolf.com/RFP and check out the Poems section and the stuff from the year 2000, starting with Thoughts of You.

[60] What theme would you like to tackle in your next work?

[61] Well, one of my girlfriend's friends has given me a good plot for a basketball story. I don't know anything about the sport, but she's promised to let me pick her brain for any research I need to do. Of course, I probably won't start writing it for a couple of years since I really do have about a dozen stories I'm working on at the moment.

[62] What was the last thing that made you smile recently?

[63] Thinking about kissing my girlfriend for over an hour the other night. She has a wonderful mouth.

[64] What made you angry?

[65] My computer freaked out a week or so ago and kept shutting down when I tried to reboot. Scared the sh-t out of me (thought I might lose all my stories that I haven't printed out yet, as well as the new design I just created for my web site) and thoroughly p-ss-d me off. But I fixed it.

[66] You now have absolute authority over the world. Omnipotent in all areas.(Congratulations) What's your first move?

[67] Kill ‘em all! Wait, sorry. Um, let’s see. Oo, I know. Make it so that people don't have to eat or sleep. That would basically take care of most people's needs for money and give them a whole lot of free time, so I'd be curious to see what happens. If you meant in terms of being President of the World (i.e., no special science fiction powers), then I guess I'd abolish all those laws that make women second-class citizens, and all laws that set one set of people above another based on social issues, like how same sex people can't marry and get those tax breaks that most heterosexuals take for granted, or how pay scales for the same work are so different based on whether the individual is male or female.

[68] Do you have stalkers? If so, how have you handled them?

[69] Nope, no stalkers.

[70] How would you categorize your best writing, and give the URLs for them if posted?

[71] I don't think I can pick one in particular. I guess my best writing is whatever I'm really hyped about at the moment.

[72] What stupid thing did you do as a teen?

[73] What didn't I do. I smoked, I drank, I did drugs, I ran away from home, I slept with anything that held still long enough (or didn't). I think that about covers it.

Did you ever know that you're my heeeeee-ro?

Tara, the terrible teen, used to dance

[74] What, if anything, can stop you writing, if only for a while?

[75] My girlfriend (in a good way). Exhaustion (chronic insomnia). Stress (me freaking out about money issues). Work (I hate deadlines).

[76] In your opinion, do you fit your astrological sign?

[77] Oh yeah. I'm an Aquarius/Dragon and it fits me perfectly.

[78] What to you is the worst feeling in the world?

[79] Dread. That feeling that something really bad is going to happen and there's nothing you can do but wait for it.

[80] The best feeling in the world?

[81] My girlfriend's arms around me.

[82] Favorite song of the moment?

[83] All For You by Janet Jackson.

[84] What is the first thing you think of in the morning?

[85] What time is it?

[86] Is there one part of the writing process where you usually get stuck?

[87] Names. If I can't come up with a name for a character, I tend to not be able to continue with the story. I have the same problem with finding the right word for things. I've been known to search through my thesaurus for an hour until I find what I'm looking for before I can go back to writing.

[88] What have you tried to change that, successful or not?

[89] I haven't really tried to change it. I'm a perfectionist and I always end up getting back on track eventually. I have a lot of different stories that I work on at the same time, so it's usually not a big deal if I get stuck on one. I just work on something else in the mean time. Oh, maybe that's what I do.

[90] What is gossip mean to you?

[91] It means people talking about things they don't usually have first hand knowledge of to other people who aren't even part of the situation they're being told about.

[92] Are people easily swayed by ‘hear say’?

[93] Yes. Why do you think it's not allowed in court?

[94] What are your feelings about people who use others for personal gain?

[95] Depends on whether the people they use are harmed or not.

[96] What is a hypocrite?

[97] Someone who says they believe something, but then do the complete opposite.

[98] What kind of doughnut do you eat?

[99] I haven't had a doughnut in a long time, but I used to love the kind that's like a glazed doughnut, but it's shaped like a twist and has chocolate frosting on top. I also like apple fritters.

[100] Does the best writing flow for you, or does it come from rewrites?

[101] Both. The Vampire Hunter was like this movie in my head and I just wrote it. Then there's Assassin in which what I first write is so jumbled, I barely even understand it myself until I go back and rearrange the sentences, remove some things and add others, and then it works.

[102] Which part of writing do you enjoy most and why? (e.g., Taking the original notes, final rewrites ...)

[103] I love doing research, but honestly, I think what I love most is going back and reading the story after it's been a while since I wrote it. I basically write what I wish others would write, so I really enjoy my own work. It's total wish fulfillment.

[104] How often do you think about a piece when you're working on it and when do you think about it?

[105] I think about my stories all the time. Just about anything can remind me of one of the stories I'm working on.

[106] When someone walks into your bedroom, what are the first five things that they're likely to notice?

[107] Well, the first thing they'll probably notice is the plastic ficus tree that has Christmas tree lights on it that stays on all the time as a night light. Next, they might notice all the boxes of stuff everywhere from when my girlfriend and I started cleaning out the closets (but never finished). Then there's my cat Felix. We have two others, but she owns the bed. Fourth, maybe the queen-size waterbed. I guess last might be the dream catcher over the head of the bed.

[108] Do you feel in control of your writing, or do you get carried away by your inspiration or characters?

[109] Both. Depends on the story. Sometimes I have things all planned out and everything just falls in place the way I expected it to. And then other times I start off with one thing in mind and end up somewhere completely different.

[110] If you consider yourself to have a muse, what exactly do you mean?

[111] The urge and ability to write. Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not and I've learned not to push myself if the muse just isn't there. Sometimes that means I don't work on a story for a year.

[112] Tell the truth -- are you your favorite writer, or in your own top five? Why or why not?

[113] Hmm, depends. There are some days when I am just absolutely thrilled with how a story is going and I have to say I'm my favorite author. But then most days, I'll read someone else's work and just go, "Damn, I want to write like that."

[114] Would the world be a better place if women ran it or would it be basically the same?

[115] Well, if you go with the stereotype, then yeah, the world would be a better place if women were in charge. But the truth is, women are human, just like men, and we'd probably still have a ton of problems. Probably different problems, but we'd all still be bitching about the world regardless of what gender the world leaders were.

[116] What is your favorite spot where you live now?

[117] I like being at my computer, but being on the bed, curled up with my girlfriend, with the lights turned off and a movie playing on the TV is really comfortable to me. We don't even have to be watching the TV, I just like the feeling.

[118] What books are you reading now? What about it/them is holding your attention?

[119] Read? When? The last book I read was JavaScript 1.3 and I didn't even finish it. If I went back to reading as much as I used to, I wouldn't have time to write or play with my girlfriend or work. But the books on my list to read, whenever I get the time, are Ender's Shadow (companion novel to Ender's Game) and The New Jedi Order series of Star Wars books. I have the first one, Vector Prime, but I’ve barely even opened it.

[120] What would your friends say is your worst trait?

[121] I'm stubborn and I don't listen. It takes a lot to change my mind on certain things and arguing with me is usually the worst way to go about it. Oh, I can also be very conceited at times.

[122] Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?

[123] Yeah, most of the time.

[124] What is the longest any plant in your home has been with you?

[125] A friend gave me a tomato plant for my apartment in New York a couple years ago. It died within about two weeks.

[126] Do you have any particular bedtime rituals (glass of warm milk, etc.) that you follow every night?

[127] Yes, but you don't need to know that.:)

[128] If you find a spider in the bathtub, do you help it out or squish it?

[129] I drown it. I figure any bug that comes near me has to have a death wish because I've stated very clearly that if you get in my space, it's all over for you.

[130] What was the last thing you bought that you really didn't need?

[131] Well, I bought the first season of Stargate SG-1 on DVD and, even though I have a DVD player on my computer, my girlfriend and I decided we wanted to be able to watch them in the bedroom, so we bought a DVD player to go with it. It was all in the same trip, so technically I didn't need either one, but I'm glad I got them.

[132] Have you ever smoked cigarettes -- explain.

[133] Yes. I started smoking when I was seven years old and quit when I was about 21. I'm 25 now and I still don't smoke. I have nicotine fits every now and then, but haven't given in.

[134] Who is your favorite Greek God?

[135] I don't really have one. If you've read the Greek tales, then you know most of the gods and goddesses were rather unscrupulous when it came to mortals. They had no morals or ethics and were about as far from being role models as you can get. However, the Titan Prometheus has usually been portrayed as a friend to humankind, so I would probably choose him, though he's not a god. If you're just talking about from Xena, then Aphrodite.

[136] Why do fools fall in love?

[137] Why is this question here?

[138] Do you keep a diary and if so what do you call it? If so, what effect has it had on your writing?

[139] I used to keep a diary, I called it a journal, but I've found less and less time for it and haven't written in it since November 30th of 2000. I'm not sure what effect it had on my writing.

[140] How has online writing affected your life and how you see yourself, your goals?

[141] Well, it's shown me that there is an audience for what I write and it's given me hope that someday I might even get people to pay for my stories. It's affected my life tremendously. I got my first real paying contract for my web design skills from one of my readers who noticed from my FAQ that I was a web designer and offered me a job. And my girlfriend was and still is one of my fans. She wrote to me after reading Xena: Warrior Slave. I wrote back and it went from there.

Rare shot from the Fortress of Solitude

Fans are a valuable sought after commodity.

[142] What skill would you like to have that you don't have now?

[143] The ability to draw what I see in my head. I would love to be able to illustrate my stories.

[144] Who is your real life hero and why?

[145] I don't know that I have one. I really look up to my two sisters, but I see a hero as someone like a firefighter or a doctor (or Xena or Superman) and I don't personally know anybody like that.

[146] What fan fic story touched you so much that you still remember it vividly?

[147] Hmm, the first two that come to mind are both by BL Miller. Hostage and Guilt, Love & Forgiveness. The themes of forgiveness throughout both stories were, and still are, very important to me. http://blmiller.net

[148] If you could only choose a single climate with no variation would you prefer it to be sweltering hot or freezing cold?

[149] Freezing cold.

[150] What is the first thing you notice about someone when you meet them?

[151] Whether they make eye contact or not.

[152] Have you ever done something that accidentally caused something really bad to happen to someone?

[153] I don't think so.

[154] How is $25 well spent?

[155] My girlfriend told me she knew this one. Chinese takeout and three movies from Blockbuster. She's right. Especially if all the movies are sci-fi and the Chinese is either chicken chow mein or sweet and sour pork or chicken.

[156] Would you rather live in a sociable suburb, or alone in the deep woods?

[157] Alone in the deep woods. With satellite or cable for the Internet.

[158] What literary character did you most identify with as a child?

[159] Bran Tregare Moray from F.M. Busby's Star Rebel series. Rissa Kerguelen, the character's wife would be a close second.

[160] What is the source of your inspiration?

[161] I have no idea. When I was a kid, I just wanted to get away from the real world. Now, I just really enjoy using my imagination.

[162] Where do your ideas come from?

[163] Everywhere. Sometimes I'll just be talking about something with somebody and I’ll get a story idea from it.

[164] What do you find most satisfying about your job?

[165] Getting it done.

[166] What are the three things you enjoy most about writing?

[167] Research, reading what I've written, and seeing how other people react to my stories.

[168] What were your favorite book, TV show, and movie when you were a teenager and what do you think of them now?

[169] My favorite book was really a series, the Star Rebel series mentioned above. My favorite TV show was Out of This World. My favorite movie was Terminator 2. The Star Rebel series is still my favorite series. I know now the reason I liked Out of This World so much was because I had this little wish to be from another planet myself, plus the female teenage star of the show was really cute. And I still love Linda Hamilton from T2. She's just this tough butch with the arms of a goddess.:)

[170] What's your idea of a perfect world?

[171] To have all of my basic needs met (food, clothing, shelter), no need for money, and all the time I want for the things I love to do, namely writing.

[172] How real is your fiction to you?

[173] It's real in the sense that I can see it and feel it in my mind.

[174] What Disney character do you most identify with and why?

[175] All of the characters that come to mind aren't really Disney characters because Disney stole them from various fairy tales. But anyway, Aladdin seems to fit well enough. I grew up poor and have had a lot of my wishes fulfilled.

[176] Who do you read for inspiration?

[177] Well, if you’re talking about inspirational material in the spiritual realm, then The Celestine Prophecy series and Ishmael and The Story of B are some of the most inspirational fiction I've ever read. If you mean what do I read to inspire my own writing, then I'm not sure.

[178] What's your favorite website?

[179] IMDB.com. I've never not found what I was looking for, if I spelled it right.

[180] When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?

[181] A writer.

[182] What are the limits in sacrifices for true love?

[183] I don't think there are any.

[184] If you could interview your favorite author, what questions would you ask?

[185] F.M. Busby - Can I have the copyrights to your books so that I can continue your Star Rebel series? (He's dead, so he can't do it himself.)

[186] And, WHY?

[187] Because I love the storyline and would love to continue it.

[188] What makes a great kisser?

[189] The ability to give and take and to know when to do which.

We've seen this picture so many times...it's almost like deja vu...all over again...

A Famous Kiss

[190] What have you learned from your animals?

[191] Unconditional love.

[192] Does our society glorify violence to the point we have become desensitized to it and the consequences?

[193] Yes.

[194] What is your motto?

[195] Everything happens for a reason.

[196] What do you think we take too seriously as writers?

[197] I think a lot of writers see their work as themselves. That's why they can't take constructive criticism very well. They feel like any criticism of their work is a criticism of themselves. I think I’m actually quite different in that respect. I crave criticism of my work. It's what makes me write better. My highest priority when writing is to create the best product I can, so if someone doesn't like something, I want to know what and why, so that I can fix it, if it's not just a personal bias. Of course, actually getting people to be brutally honest and understand that they're not going to hurt my feelings seems to be an issue I have to work on.:)

[198] Do you have a significant other?

[199] Yes, her name is Corene and I love her very much.

[200] Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and what are their names?

[201] They’re all cats. My baby is Felix. Her mother is Akasha. And my girlfriend's cat is named Megan.

[202] What inspired you to write Xena fan fiction?

[203] I read tons of fan fic and kept getting annoyed with all the grammatical and spelling errors I found and then told myself to either "put up or shut up." So I put up. (I know, the first question on the list was probably meant for this, but it wasn't very specific. I started writing a long time before I wrote Xena fan fic.)

Kodi's Stories

Kodi's e-mail address: kodiwolf@yahoo.com

Kodi Wolf's Xena Fan Fiction Site - http://www.kodiwolf.com/KWLF

Story Index - http://www.kodiwolf.com/KWLF/stories.php

Bard ... Priestess (Xena)
The Kiss: Take Two (Xena)
Assassin (Uber)
Lights of Life (Uber)
New Gaia (Uber)
The Vampire Hunter/Bloodlines (Uber)
A Bondage Primer (Uber)
Morpheus' Influence (Xena)
Prisoner of War (Uber)
The Silent Muse (Xena)
Xena's Fantasy (Xena)
Xena: Warrior Slave (Xena)


Thanks to Kamouraskan for the beta.


L. J. Maas and Murphy Wilson [Amy Murphy].One Step Beyond ... Uber, That Is. WHOOSH #49 (October 2000)

The "Inside the Head of..." series in Whoosh issues #58, 61-66,68-72


a woman of mystery Amy Murphy
Thirty-one-year-old Amy Murphy resides in Indiana, and is an avid reader of Xena: Warrior Princess Fan Fiction. If it exists in the Xenaverse, chances are she has read it! Murphy has also tried her hand at writing fan fiction, turning out two very nice pieces that reside on a couple of web sites throughout the Xenaverse.

Favorite episode: IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE (24/124)
Favorite line: "I Have Many Skills" Various episodes
First episode seen: TITANS (07/107)
Least favorite episode: LYRE, LYRE HEARTS ON FIRE (100/510)



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