This is the place where we brazenly show off the awards we have received. If you would like to give us an award, please email us at No award is too small for us. We will take any and all praise and adulation that you feel like sending our way!
ThE XenA ShrinE's "EternaL BondS" award (November 2001)
Blitzgal's Xenaverse Master's Award (July 2001)
Scarlet Skies "Site to Remember" for July 2001
Lucy Lawless Tapert's website "Site of the Month" for June 2001
Aida's XENA: WP Page website gave us their Xenites Choice Award 2000 in August 2000!
The ROCFiles website gave us their Award of Website Excellence in June 2000!
The Staked Chakram website gave us their Battle On Award in June 2000!
The XENA Zone website gave us their Award of Excellence in February 2000!
Fork's Xena Page website gave us their Imperial Xena Site Award in January 2000!
Atenea's Xenaverso website gave us the "Xenamedalla" for services beyond the line of duty in October 1999!
The XenaVerse Role Playing Web Page website gave us the "Xenaverse Award of Excellence" in October 1999!
The Young and the Hercless website gave us the "Widow Twanky's" Award in September 1999!
Francisco's Xena en Españ&ol website gave us the "Friends AID Award" in September 1999!
Dea gave us a Bodacious Award in August 1999!
Claire gave us an award in March 1999. Woo hoo!
Leeloomna gave us another award in March 1999. Woo hoo again!
Hey, Andrew gave us another award! This time for excellence in design in January 1999.
In December 1998, Chelsea gave us an "Unhappy Optometrist Award"! Thank you...we think.
In October 1998, Xenrielle gave us a Bright Star Site Award!
In August 1998, Rebecca gave us an Excellent Site Award!
In August 1998, Abe gave us his Award of Xenite Satisfaction!
In August 1998, Sandy and Lori of The Internet SF, Fantasy and Horror TV Yellow Pages gave us a Best Bet Award!
In July 1998, we won the illustrious Award of Illusia!
In July 1998, Gabrianne told us we had heavenly vision!
In July 1998, Wendy let us know that she thinks we are beautiful!
In May 1998, Rusty gave us a Best Xena Site Award. Thanks, Rusty!
In April 1998, we received a Number Ten 10 Star Site! Award for "coolness above and beyond the call of duty for web masters and web mistresses" from Alistair "No10" Erskine.
In April 1998, Heather gave us the ultimate Web honor--a Glammy award! We can now die happy.
In April 1998, we were recognized by "Wonderland With a Twist of Lime." Makes me want a Corona.
In March 1998, we received Andrew's Xenaverse "Totally Cool" Award!
Maybe the Oscars inspired all the award-givers! In March 1998, we also received a "Pyramid Web Ring Award."
In January 1998, we received a "K.C.'s Free Resources Award". We quote: "We Love Xena, and although we usually give awards to 'business and resource sites', we feel the contribution of the Men of Xena Calendar qualifies you to receive our award for online excellence and making the web a better place for all involved without charging and arm and a leg!" Well, alrighty then! Thanks, K.C.
In January 1998, we also received a "Best of the Web" award. January seems to be the month for non-Xena-related Web awards!
In December 1997, we were given the honor of "Best Smelling Site on the Web"! We are proud to have made it to the Top Ten and we are especially honored to be included on a list with "Why Cats Paint"
We won Ronny's Xena Award for July 1997!
We were Site of the Nite on May 24, 1997!
We were one of the Top Ten sites for Total TV's May 1997 article.
We also won a Xena Site Leadership Award, April 1997.